/eris/ - Discordianism

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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This board is for discussion about Eris. It's important to note that while this board is named "Discordianism", discussion is encouraged to include all sorts of interpretations of the Goddess and not just the ones mentioned in the Principia.

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Wait a second...
>That's not raw
>This'sn not Playboy
>This'st not POEE
>That's the Principia?
>Is that a cumchalice?
>Why are there so many women?
>What're those little girls doing here?
>Where's Bald the beast 666 Crowholy?
>Why there nude people and child in this propaganda manifest?
>Why my ass hurt?
>Why feel the fnord so bad?
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Replies: >>3618 + 1 earlier
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>>3612 (OP) 
>The Chaotic Evil and Cruel Uncle J. R. "Bob" Dobbs does not exist
<The Chaotic Evil and Cruel Uncle J. R. "Bob" Dobbs

This happen when you drink so much skooma and broken The Erisian Quantum reality.
Replies: >>3624 >>3629
I'm upset I never made this connection before.

Their pipes are even different colors too!
separatists, together.jpg
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My favourite Rockwell pic because I can't find any after the assassination.
Replies: >>3628
>separatists, together
lol and lol as the message, spoiler included, could have been written by a white nationalist or an antifascist
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>The Chaotic Evil and Cruel Greyface does not exist
<The Chaotic Evil and Cruel Greyface

Well, any dictator or fascist can be. But some are funnier or sadder than others
at least apparently.

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You heard me right!
it's right there in the subject title after all.

Erischan suffers from complete randomness and impurity! 
Normally I would say that these are merely the results of worshipping such a Chaotic Goddess but this is a dire situation! What good is an imageboard without Culture! In-jokes! Sub-communities!?

I expect the lot of you to correct this fatal mistake at once! Get to work on creating cohesion, immediately!
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Replies: >>3334 >>3621 + 2 earlier
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Chaos must, of course, flow IMpurely
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from leftypol /draw/
thats where out culture must have gone, AND WE MUST BRING IT BACK!
Induced entropy.
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>>680 (OP) 
I use my discordian cultures to make kombucha and other tasty fermented foods
Replies: >>3627
feeding squirtle.webp
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Lucky. All I got was an explosion.

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I stole this thread type from our unexpected friends at /comfy/ - post interesting Wikipedia articles in the spirit of /eris/

Strictly no soapboxing, we have /gov/ for that. Keep it interesting, but agreeable.
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So, this town set itself on fire for the next *checks watch* 250 years.
5 people still live there.
Replies: >>3462
It's amazing how most disasters, things like this and Chernobyl and Bhupal and Nova Scotia, all required so many safeguards and policies to go wrong. Eris always prevails.
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This was interesting, but can't be posted on /comfy/ for obvious reasons:

I'm concerned, what are they holding under the dort
Replies: >>3626
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Laughter is the best way to conceal a dead body.

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One of these women is an avatar of our goddess Eris
>Which one is she?
Sure, you can say that each of them is at the same time... maybe? Maybe not? Maybe sometimes?
In order:
>Marilyn Monroe
>Debbie Harry
>Dolly Parton
I used to fap so much to Pattycake lol

I'd say she's NOT an avatar of our goddess Eris because she caused me nothing but unbridled joy, but Eris is a bitch.
I gotta say, none. Art thou confusing Eris for her victim Aphrodite?
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Hey Chuck, I think our goddess likes you.

derisive minx.webp
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Zen is when you stop yelling at people and start laughing at them.
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That ain't zen, that's Kirby cosplay!
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Nah nah, see, to me, zen has to be like, Gas Gas Gas in one ear, and U-Lock Justice in the other.
Replies: >>3568
Smash a car today!
Replies: >>3599
Smash a car any day! Fuch the Oceanian Times.
If a car is smashed and no one is around to hear it, does it still zen?

Screenshot from 1991-05-23 03-56-47.webp
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Screenshot from 2024-07-24 12-02-07.webp
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What does your cabal/denomination/sect/cult/spin/club/faction/organization/organisation/bloc/clique/cord/party/erislet/schism/xdf/service think about hats?
Replies: >>3620
>>3617 (OP) 
Free Hat! Free Hat! Free Hat!

Free Hat! Free Hat!

He killed those babies in self-defense!

basically das capital in an engaging format.webp
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So, uh, what do they actually do?
I hear they get illuminaughty

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/eris/ - Discordianism
Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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Is there significant, valuable, magick or Hero's Journey merit in the O9A's insight role system and the general "Internal adept"\ temple master  tasks of fitness tests, adventures like bike-packing the continent, etc? 
How can I take up an Insight Role -and live it fully for 6 months-3 years- without actually becoming evil? I think that, ironically, the MOST evil thing is to be a lukewarm normie zoomer lefty; so true evil would be listening to rap and pop music, smoking 🗿weed🗿, not openly cliticizing the use of condoms , hatting the rich etc But that's being a normogroid average middle-class western world loser so it's anti-ethical to the Insight Role.
What do you think? Should I join my federal police force? take up an extreme sport like Kali Tudo\ Dog Brothers? go to public university for social worker career and studying course, and only hang out and join the most militant and virulent organizations there?
Replies: >>3597 >>3600
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>>3595 (OP) 
There is literally no merit in O9A insight roles. It's Star Wars sith live-action roleplay, deriving from Operation Gladio. The only reason I support them is that it wastes the time of edgelords who think O9A is not an obvious trap.
But since you're already in a fed operation, if you decide you must choose one, join a police force. Police are the ones who hunt down you and people like you, the ones employed to enforce and preserve the evil status quo of the owning class, so it's clearly most 🗿>ethical🗿 to infiltrate and learn how to sabotage them. Police are infamously different and gang-like internally, and the barrier to entry is low as they face recruitment issues. Lame lefties organizations are basically the same internally as they are externally, there's almost no insight to be had there since Weathermen went out of fashion. You will learn nothing more in six months than what you can read in the Communist Manifesto and other pamphlets in a few days day (important information for chaos creation, but not rare information whatsoever). But police, especially fed police, gives you power. Not as a member, but more importantly, as a traitor to them. Even simple transgressions like whistleblowing make them go insane, and for good reason - they're the protectors of the status quo, the 🗿
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Replies: >>3602
>>3595 (OP) 
>O9A insight roles
fnord this greyface jargon 
but how confounding might a star game captcha be? lol
Replies: >>3601
I DO have a photo of a star game board+pieces, as well as other "rare" TOB\O9A photos from old archieves.
I can dump there, if theres interest.
>09A derives from old churchgoverment fed shit
Fuck, now that make a lot of sense!!! Why im so blind?!!??!! Fuck fnords!!!

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